On This Day 106,000 people sign up for ACA

By Hardik Wasanwal

13 November 2023ย 

Page 1: On this day in 2013, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services marked a pivotal moment.ย 

Page 2: 106,185 Americans chose health plans in the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace through October.ย 

Page 3: In Austin, Minnesota, history was made as workers at Hormel Packing Co. staged the first "sit-down" strike in the U.S. for better wages and conditions.ย 

Page 4: The strike resonated, inspiring workers nationwide to demand fair treatment. A ripple effect of empowerment surged through the American workforce.ย 

Page 5: Simultaneously, in Russia, the AK-47 assault rifle was completed, shaping the course of global arms history with its widespread use.ย 

Page 6: As the day closed, reflections on progress and challenges unfolded. A sense of hope prevailed for a future of accessible healthcare, fair wages, and global peace.ย 

Page 7: The ACA's impact was felt deeply, fostering discussions on the need for universal health coverage and the pursuit of social equality.ย