A Green Revolution in Santa Maria With Solar energy

By Hardik Wasanwal

11 November 2023ย 

Page 1: In a groundbreaking move, Santa Maria City Council pioneers solar energy.

Page 2: Heading: Powering Progress with ForeFront Council's 4-0 vote seals ForeFront Power deal for city facilities.

Page 3: Title: Saving Green, Going Green Agreements project a $12.6 million saving over 20 years.

Page 4: Heading: Community Support Chamber of Commerce and local groups rally behind solar initiative.

Page 5: Title: Councilman's Insight Councilman Cordero sees solar power as the future, a smart decision.

Page 6: Heading: Unchanging Rates for 20 Year ForeFront's deal guarantees stable rates amidst potential PG&E hikes.

Page 7: Title: Sustainable Powerhouse Facilities include Civic Center, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Police Department.