By Suzette Martinez Valladares | September 4, 2023, California
Crime Suzette Martรญnez Valladares In the midst of rising crime rates and a sense of unease gripping California, it is time for us to take a stand against failed policies and radical politics. Over the past year, I have had the privilege of serving as the director of a law enforcement-supported nonprofit, working closely with dedicated police officers who are committed to keeping our communities safe. Together, we have witnessed firsthand the consequences of misguided decisions that have allowed crime to spiral out of control.
Crime Suzette Martรญnez Valladares The root cause of this crisis is clear: wealthy donors from New York and San Francisco have used their resources to influence elections across the state and country. Their efforts have resulted in the election of soft-on-crime district attorneys like George Gascรณn here in Los Angeles County. Additionally, these donors have poured millions into campaigns and the recruitment of pro-criminal legislators who have pushed for policies such as zero bail, early release, defunding the police, and reduced punishments for serious crimes.
Crime Suzette Martรญnez Valladares The consequences of these policies are evident. Businesses, both large and small, are fleeing California, and our residents no longer feel safe. The devastating reality is that there are not enough law enforcement personnel to respond to emergencies due to funding cuts, while social media is flooded with videos of brazen looters raiding shops with impunity.
However, there is hope on the horizon. The people are awakening to the need for change and are rallying behind challengers in the upcoming 2024 election, candidates who prioritize justice for everyone, including victims, families of victims, and businesses affected by these crime sprees.
We must not be powerless against the influence of billionaires who seek to reshape our criminal justice system while sheltered behind armed gates. The solution lies in passing laws that keep violent criminals behind bars, prosecuting smash-and-grab mobs, and eradicating child sex trafficking. Yet, some of our leaders remain steadfast in their support of failed “reforms” and continue to downplay the importance of punishment for serious crimes, often shifting the conversation towards issues like poverty and income inequality.
The fact that a bill in the California state Legislature, aimed at making the sex trafficking of teenagers and children a serious crime with strict penalties, has been quietly undermined is a stark reminder of the ongoing efforts to weaken our criminal justice system even further.
While poverty and income inequality are significant issues, they are not the root cause nor the primary solution to the crime and criminal crisis we face in California. Our communities are bearing the brunt of a radical, pro-criminal agenda that threatens our state’s well-being.
If we do not act decisively now, the near-total collapse of San Francisco serves as a warning. Businesses like T-Mobile and Whole Foods have abandoned the city, and Governor Gavin Newsom has had to deploy the National Guard and extra units of the California Highway Patrol to restore order.
Elections matter, and it is evident that Gascรณn and other billionaire-funded far-left politicians have been a dramatic failure for our state. We have an opportunity to chart a new course, one that prioritizes public safety, supports genuine justice for everyone, especially victims, funds our law enforcement agencies and personnel, and removes the corrosive influence of billionaires from our justice system.
As a former assemblywoman from Santa Clarita, I stand alongside concerned citizens who are ready to reclaim our communities. It is time to unite and work towards a safer, more just, and prosperous future for all Californians. The time for change is now.