By Hardik Wasanwal
Sunday, 22 October 2023ย
Page 1: Title: Transforming Edison High: Principal Lillian's Journeyย
Page 2: Lillian Izzard, new Edison High principal, surveyed the school's dire condition.ย
Page 3: Broken trophy cases, shattered hydration stations, and more; it was disheartening.ย
Page 4: Edison High's troubled reputation was a challenge she willingly accepted.ย
Page 5: Izzard was determined to change the school from the inside out.ย
Page 6: Born in Jersey City, she overcame language barriers and excelled in her education.ย
Page 7: Izzard's journey from ESL classes to becoming a principal is inspiring.ย
Page 8: She began her mission to transform Edison, making it welcoming and safe.ย
Page 9: Edith Cazaubon, a teacher, noticed the change; more smiles at Edison.ย
Page 10: Through resilience and dedication, Principal Lillian reshaped Edison High's future.ย